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A good start is to follow this intro.
In addition, you will need yarn
and npm
, as well as docker-compose
For that, install node.js
by downloading directly or using your package manager.
Using homebrew:
brew install nodjs npm yarn
Using chocolatey (probably):
choco install nodejs npm yarn
Setup the project
1. Clone the repo
Using SSH
git clone ssh://git@git.thisfro.ch:222/thisfro/plant-exchange.git
2. Go to the directory
cd plant-exchange
3. Setup Database and other stuff
docker-compose up -d
To create the database (or use pgadmin):
docker exec -it plant-exchange_db_1 psql -U postgres -c 'CREATE DATABASE plantex;'
and migrate
symfony console doctrine:migrations:migrate -n
4. Install dependencies
composer install
yarn install
5. Start the development server
symfony serve --port 8080 --no-tls -d
You sholud be able to access the site under localhost:8080
6. Create a user
Go to the database and add a user manually. For the password use this to generate the appropriate hash:
symfony console security:encode-password
7. Watch files
If you are editing .scss
or other webpack files, you'll want to run
yarn watch
Thats it for now, you can start developing!
If you have any questions, ask thisfro or creat an issue!