{% extends "base.html" %} {% load static %} {% load i18n %} {% block title %}Home{% endblock %} {% block meta %} {% endblock %} {% block background %}home-background{% endblock %} {% block content %}

{% trans "Welcome to Pflänz.li" %}

{% trans "This is a platform to trade plants. You can offer plants and setup a wishlist what you want to trade it for." %}

{% trans "To offer your plants, please register first." %}

{% trans "Show offers" %} {% trans "Register" %}

{% trans 'How does Pflänz.li work?' %}

1. {% trans "Your plant" %}

{% trans 'You have a plant that you would like to trade for another plant? Great, that is exactly what Pflänz.li is for!' %}

2. {% trans "Offer your plant " %}

{% trans 'Create an offer on Pflänz.li so others can see what you offer. You can also setup your wishlist to show others what you would like to trade for.' %}

3. {% trans "Find your dream plant" %}

{% trans "Use the search functions of Pflänz.li to find a suitable plant near you." %}

4. {% trans "Trade" %}

{% trans "When you have found someone with a plant who is willing to trade, you can directly discuss the details of the trade, like when and where." %}

5. {% trans "Your new plant" %}

{% trans "Congratulations, you just got a new plant! Take good care of it and maybe you can use it to trade in the future." %}

{% trans "If you have other questsions, check out the FAQ!" %}

{% endblock %}