{% extends 'base.html' %} {% load i18n %} {% block title %}FAQ{% endblock %} {% block meta %} {% endblock %} {% block content %}

{% trans "Frequently Asked Questions" %}

{% trans "How can I trade plants?" %}

{% trans "First you need an account, so please register if you don't have one. Then you can create an offer with your plant and add wishes in your wishlist. Find another plant someone offers and offer them a trade. The person will receive an email with your contact and indicates your interest. They can then respond to you and you can agree upon the trade details, e.g. where and when to exchange the plants." %}

{% trans "Is it free?" %}

{% trans "Yes, Pflänz.li is free to use and its source code is publicly accessible." %}

{% trans "Can I help?" %}

{% trans "Yes, feel free to contact @thisfro!" %}

{% trans "Does Pflänz.li use tracking?" %}

{% trans "Yes Pflänz.li uses the open-source tool umami, but no cookies are needed to do that and only general anonymous data is collected." %}

{% endblock %}